How to Keep Your Home Clean With Pets | CleanPacs


How to Keep Your Home Clean With Pets

keeping a clean home with pets


Unlike humans, pets can't clean up their mess, which means that you'll have to do it for them. Keeping your home clean is a tough job on its own, but it becomes even harder when you have one or more fuzzy friends roaming around. Don't worry, though - cleaning up after them is definitely worth it. But, how do you do it? Well, here are some tips that'll get you on track.


Use Shaving Cream

Many people have searched endlessly for the "miracle" cleaning product for removing the toughest of stains while it has been sitting on the counter of their washrooms. With shaving cream in your cleaning kit, you can get rid of dog pee, cat vomit, and whatnot, as long as you're using foam rather than gel. Spray the shaving cream on the stain, let it sit for a couple of minutes, and then wash it off with warm water. It's a tried method as many experts have used it for cleaning all sorts of smudges from their furniture. If this doesn’t work for you or you’re a bit skeptical, use an all-purpose cleaner; that'll do the trick too.


Have a Good Vacuum Cleaner

Even if your pet doesn't shed that much hair, you still need to vacuum the house regularly. Many pets, especially dogs and cats, love to roll in the garden whenever outside, and when they come back in, they bring dirt and debris along with them. So, if that's the case with your pet, you'll need to get rid of these in addition to hair. And for that, you need to invest in a good quality vacuum cleaner. A robot vacuum can do the job itself while you're busy at work or are sleeping at night. A vacuum having a powerful suction and a good filter can make your job easier for you, as it will empty without much hassle and won't get clogged. So, having a good vacuum cleaner and regularly using it can go a long way in keeping your home clean with pets.


Regular Pet Grooming

Another way of keeping your home clean with pets is to groom them after 2-3 days or weekly. Clean their nose and eyes properly, and give them a nice warm bath to reduce hair fall. This trick also makes sure that your pet isn't shedding as much dandruff. Moreover, if it is done in a routine, your pet won't consider it a punishment and they’ll begin to cooperate. So, the best way to clean your home is to clean your pet.

organize pet toys

Organize the Toys

Your pet might have different toys to play with. But, these toys can be what's keeping your home from being clean. If you're not organizing your pet's toys, it can add to the clutter in your home, and that's the last thing you want and need. Designate a basket or a cupboard where you stash all your pet's toys. So, whenever your dog is done playing with its favorite toy bone, or once your cat has had its fill of the catnip toy, make sure you put it back in the basket or cupboard. Similarly, if a toy has become too battered, or if your pet doesn't play with a specific toy anymore, swap them with a new toy that your pet likes. Clean the old ones and donate them to any nearby animal shelter instead of throwing them away.


Ask for a Professional's Help

Even if you manage to keep your home clean with pets, it is advisable to hire a professional every now and then. Tell the professionals about your pet's sensitivities so that they don't use anything that'll affect your pet's physical health. Once they're done making your house sparkling clean, you'll realize the extra few bucks spent were worth the relief and satisfaction.

Final Verdict

These tips will allow you to take care of your pets while also keeping your home clean. You don't have to restrict them from running in the house or keep them locked outside to avoid a dirty home as long as you practice these techniques regularly.


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